L20 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L20 0 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L20 0 Postcodes (Active). L20 0 postcode sector comprises of 63 active postcodes. L20 0 sector has a population of 3161, and it has 1251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L20 0 postcode sector

L20 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3161
Addresses / Property Count 1251
Active Postcodes 63
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L20 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 63 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L20 0AD 53.46249900 -2.97766800 19 45 335188 396640
L20 0AE 53.46197400 -2.97813800 19 43 335156 396582
L20 0AF 53.46148700 -2.97833800 21 47 335142 396528
L20 0AG 53.45899400 -2.97978700 18 39 335042 396252
L20 0AH 53.45939100 -2.98070000 16 49 334982 396297
L20 0AJ 53.46052000 -2.98000300 5 8 335030 396422
L20 0AL 53.46034800 -2.97796500 30 65 335165 396401
L20 0AN 53.45845400 -2.98099400 17 46 334961 396193
L20 0AP 53.46016600 -2.98148600 23 56 334931 396384
L20 0AQ 53.46044600 -2.98031700 14 30 335009 396414
L20 0AR 53.46075200 -2.97800500 24 59 335163 396446
L20 0AS 53.46093300 -2.97680400 28 68 335243 396465
L20 0AT 53.46130900 -2.97810800 24 68 335157 396508
L20 0AU 53.46076000 -2.97931500 20 51 335076 396448
L20 0AW 53.45916500 -2.98197500 25 72 334897 396273
L20 0AX 53.45824100 -2.98169700 5 19 334914 396170
L20 0AY 53.46002200 -2.97830400 34 90 335142 396365
L20 0AZ 53.45974500 -2.97811700 27 84 335154 396334
L20 0BA 53.45868800 -2.98094000 12 33 334965 396219
L20 0BB 53.45994200 -2.98142000 13 45 334935 396359
L20 0BD 53.45936100 -2.98100000 19 52 334962 396294
L20 0BE 53.45929100 -2.97642000 26 66 335266 396282
L20 0BG 53.45952200 -2.97790100 20 49 335168 396309
L20 0BH 53.45905000 -2.97947200 32 80 335063 396258
L20 0BJ 53.45904600 -2.97784500 19 53 335171 396256
L20 0BL 53.45878600 -2.97774900 18 52 335177 396227
L20 0BN 53.45851500 -2.97787800 25 60 335168 396197
L20 0BP 53.45714700 -2.97584400 15 15 335301 396043
L20 0BQ 53.45924300 -2.97795500 16 36 335164 396278
L20 0BR 53.45713800 -2.97481900 16 35 335369 396041
L20 0BS 53.45721000 -2.97459400 4 6 335384 396049
L20 0BT 53.45749100 -2.97455600 22 79 335387 396080
L20 0BU 53.45739500 -2.97408700 13 34 335418 396069
L20 0BW 53.45806800 -2.97753700 40 88 335190 396147
L20 0BX 53.45932200 -2.97479400 28 73 335374 396284
L20 0BY 53.46100000 -2.97414000 32 73 335420 396470
L20 0BZ 53.46103000 -2.97367300 36 78 335451 396473
L20 0DA 53.45942800 -2.97396800 6 20 335429 396295
L20 0DB 53.45907800 -2.97603900 15 40 335291 396258
L20 0DD 53.46097200 -2.97642800 17 45 335268 396469
L20 0DE 53.46283800 -2.97689300 11 29 335240 396677
L20 0DF 53.45923900 -2.97507800 16 43 335355 396275
L20 0DG 53.46094200 -2.97567500 18 37 335318 396465
L20 0DH 53.46069500 -2.97488500 22 64 335370 396437
L20 0DJ 53.46192000 -2.97477800 32 80 335379 396573
L20 0DL 53.46015400 -2.97425600 26 69 335411 396376
L20 0DN 53.45876400 -2.97383200 25 61 335437 396221
L20 0DP 53.46089400 -2.97501100 27 81 335362 396459
L20 0DQ 53.46302300 -2.97623500 11 33 335284 396697
L20 0DR 53.46299600 -2.97508900 30 81 335360 396693
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